Project Framework – Ghost Excavations, Part II

The layers of investigative inquiry, and mediation, of this project are multiple and varied. They include: 

1. SCIENCE: This is the outline of a field process that is iterative or repeatable at any haunted location. The core concept is anthropological: P.O.P. (participate-observe-perform), and the excavation is enacted by unearthing specific layers of cultural/historical uncertainties, one at a time;

2. AUTO and BIOGRAPHICAL: It is the “story” (“behind the scenes”) of the field investigation (the ethnography of the excavation). It is also about the lives and cultural behavior of those individuals who continue to linger AND interact in specific spaces at these “archaeological ruins” (haunted sites);

3. METAPHORIC: It is the use of “cultural immersion”, through immersing oneself into various cultural/historical contextual scenarios. This is accomplished through “fictive memory” techniques of placing yourself in the minds and situations of the dead individual. It is the use of past memory practices that become enacted in the present “stage” of today (“theatrical ghosting”);

4. METAPHYSICS: This is a different mix of sciences (both physical and cultural) that is used to explore the nature of symmetrical space (multiple layers of uncertainty vertically occupying the same space) and an unfolding time (where past, present, and future are contemporaneous). It is a science that focuses on the manifestation of life after death, and the ghosts “within” ourselves; and

5. NEUROARCHAEOLOGICAL: This is the archaeological matrix that begins in the brain, extends to cultural remains embedded in the earth, and manifests in particular contemporary physical spaces at places labeled haunted.

This haunted environment consists of embedded relationships that contain past (“what was”), present (“what is”), and future (“what becomes”) cognitive system components that percolate continuously, and that can manifest in context through resonating cultural practices.